Having taught psychrometrics to architects in the past, we found that a major hurdle was trying to convincingly explain why the psychrometric chart uses absolute humidity in the vertical axis instead of the more familiar metric of relative humidity, and why its characteristic curved layout is so important. When developing this tool, we really wanted to be able to morph seamlessly between the standard psychrometic chart and the much simpler relative humidity chart.
Whilst obviously important in the design of air-conditioning systems, these concepts are also fundamental to the understanding of many aspects of thermal comfort in buildings and the principles of climate-responsive design. The terms psychrometry and psychrometrics refer to the study of moist air and its thermodynamic properties.
You can add or remove lines for a range of different metrics or highlight them individually to assist with dynamic explanations or presentations. The aim of this web app is to create an interactive psychrometric chart on which you can project a range of comfort metrics as well as mapping weather data or room air conditions calculated using EnergyPlus.